Thursday, August 30, 2012

CDAN: 11/20/06

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I think the time has come for us to learn the truth. No more comments like," a friend said Jennifer Aniston has a broken heart or she thinks Angelina Jolie is a witch." I think Ms. Aniston herself or her publicist should e-mail me and let me know exactly what is what so we can stop talking about what she may or may not be feeling or thinking or what the timeline was when Angelina "loved going to work."

See, when I hear the truth, I can report the truth. So, I can tell you for a fact that Britney Spears did NOT cheat on K-Fed with "piano around neck guy aka PANG" or JR Rotten or whatever his name is. Britney knew JR, but nothing happened until AFTER the infamous text. It is also my understanding that Britney got a little drunk the other night when she was bumping and grinding with JR and that will not happen again. (not the drinking part, but the bumping and grinding with JR) Speaking of the piano around the neck guy, it looks like the 17 year old was not enough for the week so he decided to take a shot at Bai Ling. After I was so complimentary to Bai about her diversity award she went and did this.

In the relationships that are either plain disturbing or just will not last department. On one side we have Hilary Swank dating her agent. (I smell a lawsuit down the road and definitely a switch in agents.) The other side brings us Sharon Stone and Christian Slater. The latter coupling is specifically why the terms OMG and WTF? were invented. I really hope Sharon enjoys strip clubs and that Christian enjoys writing songs and attending charity events.

Random hypothetical thought - "If you get me pregnant again or at least let me tell the world how much I love my baby and how I want another one, I will let you go live with your male ex-lover for a few weeks. I will keep the focus on me while you go do your tranny thing."

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