Thursday, August 30, 2012

CDAN: 11/14/06

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The blind items are below, but first another link which I am going to make permanent because it is so good and I know everyone who reads this site, will love this article. Nerve. com has compiled the 40 Best Celebrity Rumors ever. What could be better than that? From The Saved By the Bell cast dying in a car wreck to Oprah being gay and Anna Wintour pining away for Bob Marley. I had forgotten so many of these and now they are all back. Peter Smith did an incredible job of compiling all these rumors. Enjoy.
I did add labels to all the previous posts which makes navigating through everything slightly easier. I am working on adding links but it is time consuming so it will take a few days. A special thank you goes out to Captain Disco for the HTML code to make it possible.
For this afternoon we are moving away from the beautiful LA to the just as lovely, although MUCH colder NYC for some blind items.

So imagine if you will a 4-story walk up (for those of you not familiar with the term, think a building with 3 apartments and you have to "walk up" to get to the upper floors) in NYC that is in need of a little repair but that has become the home of celebrities within the three units in the building.
One of the neighbors is a celebrity couple with a new baby. The wife has a brother who is an actor who is friends with a bicyclist who is friends with an actor who loves hanging out shirtless.
Seriously, you should have that part by now.
So anyway, a new celebrity moves into the building. An A-lister as both a producer and actress. This new neighbor wants everyone to call her "Chris." NEVER call her by her real name. There is no such person who lives in the building. The new neighbor is just a normal person named "Chris." Look past the fact that most normal people do not have an assistant living with them 24 hours a day constantly reminding people that only "Chris" lives there. I guess you could look past the fact that the actress sits on her front steps outside typing away on her laptop, smoking, chatting with passerby, but is just "Chris" when she goes back inside.

Actual situation and conversation–

There is a play date with a neighbor and the celebrity couple who live on the 4th floor. Neighbor has a huge stroller and does not want to carry it up four flights of stairs. Knock on door of the first floor apartment of our reclusive celebrity.

Assistant answers the door -

"Excuse me, is there anyway I can leave this stroller down here in the foyer. As you can see it is heavy and I am already carrying this 2 year old. So would you ask _______ if it is ok?"

The assistant replies, "there is no one who lives here by that name. Chris is the person who lives here and would have to make that decision. You will have to ask Chris."

"May I please ask her then?" asked the woman carrying the now screaming 2 year old.

"Chris is not here right now, and I do not know when she will be back."

With that the door slams shut, and our neighbor left the stroller downstairs anyway. Good for her.

Drew Barrymore

I was going to save this second one tomorrow, but I am feeling festive, even though I know you are going to spend all day reading the Top 40. I am too, so don't worry.

What married female pop star keeps coming back to her same basic hairstyle, look, and appearance because when she changes it, her husband wanders off to find a transsexual who has that look?

Gwen  Stefani

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