Friday, August 31, 2012

CDAN: FFF 3/23/07

Friday, March 23, 2007
Four For Friday

This pin-up B list television actress from the 80's and early 90's has disappeared from public view. Within the last week she has shut down her website and MySpace page. After a long dry spell she was resurrecting her career and her personal life, but now she seems to be pulling the plug on all of it. There is a rumor floating around that she has cancer and another that she just doesn't want to be bothered with the business anymore and is going to hide in a far corner of the world for several years.

 Nicole Eggert

How many times have I told celebrities to drive themselves? Well the same thing holds true for parking your car yourself. If you must let a valet take your car, then make sure you clean up or hide everything of note in the car. Speaking of valets, there is a rumor that one tab paid a valet to hide a wireless camera in a celeb car. The valet got it in the car and it worked for about five minutes until the celeb hit a pothole and the transmission ceased.

1. This B list made for tv movie actor who once had aspirations to be a real movie actor left a little tiny plastic bag in the cup holder of his car. This little tiny bag had some brown powder in it. Now of course I am sure his publicist would say it was brown sugar, but the valet had never seen someone jump so fast into their car when the valet returned it. After retrieving the bag, our actor smiled with a huge look of relief plastered on his face.

2. This soon to be married B list television actress on a hit network show left her car with the valet and the valet saw a tube of Zovirax on the front passenger seat floor. Now, our actress was with two other female friends (unknown if celebrities) so it is possible it belonged to one of them. No one has ever talked about this actress and herpes before, but people are talking about it now. Sure are a lot of air kisses from 2 feet away now. (NOT Eva L., and honestly wouldn't wish the herp on anyone)

"I wanna see it. I wanna see it too." Several women convinced this not very shy singer to show everyone his famous appendage. He teased but did not deliver the goods. He did however go home with his ex-fiancee.

Kimberly Stewart and Cisco Adler

CDAN: 3/22/07

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Today's Blind Items

LA Fashion Week Leftovers

So what does it mean when you go around bragging about how much you are going to make off a video when you have been saying all along that none of it was your idea and that you had no idea it would ever be released? Does _______ know about you and the tall pierced one? (I know you know the blank, but don't want to make it too obvious which is why I put it there.)

When you are a star female movie actress during your teenage years and you do a bunch of drugs, then it is entirely possible that 20 years later no one will understand anything you are saying or mumbling. This actress made about as much sense as a Peter Gabriel video.

This young singer was so clean cut and cool even just a year ago. Now, he looks like a washed out wreck with a beer gut. One woman he was hitting on asked who he was. He said, I'm __________. She said he looked really different on television, and that he needed to take a shower.

CDAN: 3/21/07

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Today's Blind Items

Should the two NY blind items from earlier today not be enough to satisfy you, here is one more for you.

These same two first name guys must be really tired today. Both male and female models spent the night with these tow. Spies said there were at least three models of each sex available for use and both partook heavily. Unknown is who did whom or if they shared. One thing is certain. If you need security to pass up people to your room, maybe you should slip them a few bucks so they stay quiet. Also, maybe you should keep the noise level down so they don't have to come into the room and see you in a state or position in which you probably do not want to be seen.

OK, one more, and I won't even make it blind.

First on my life. DR is just a nickname. It has no reference to anything or anyone. For some reason when I met her I had just watched Dickie Roberts and so stranger danger was in my head. There has been no scrogging going on with anyone.

Also, Stacy Keibler was the celebrity who was so sweet the other night. I know I know. Remember though it was our spy's impression and not mine. Maybe she learned a lesson. I don't know.

OK, now the bonus. Don't be surprised to see Hayden Panettiere and Lucas Dick out and about. Seems the two really hit it off last night at the Gibson guitars party. Hayden's mom and Andy Dick were both there and both thought they made a really cute couple. Obviously the couple agrees as they spent some time alone during and after the event. Andy Dick was even on his very best behavior and made Hayden and her mom laugh constantly. I like this couple and it has nothing to do with the fact that I like Hayden. OK, maybe a little.

CDAN: 3/20/07

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Today's Blind Items

I don't even know why I bother to make this one blind. It will take everyone about five seconds to guess it. This actress who seems to travel as much as she changes boyfriends was spotted in LA yesterday. With a new city comes a new boyfriend. The only problem was the guy she set her sights on and flirted shamelessly with finally came out and told her he was gay. Her response. "Are you sure?"

The blog's favorite spy was at it again yesterday.

So when people come out of rehab, aren't they supposed to be sober? This person was so obnoxious and so rude and so obviously wasted out of his mind.... This television host was practically yelling, "notice me, oh please notice me." She needs to decide if she wants to be a host or a performer. If she needs that much attention then she needs to go on a reality show...This person's hands are not all that's large anymore. When she sees the photos she is going to go NUTS....Imaginary conversation--"What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm a porn star." "Me too. Well not full time of course. We should do a porno together."....This female reality star was so sweet. Don't believe all the stuff you read about her because I don't think most of it is true.

CDAN: More Dinner, A Show, And I Got My Car Back (for awhile) 3/19/07

Monday, March 19, 2007
More Dinner, A Show, And I Got My Car Back (for awhile)

So as you know AP took my car Tuesday night when I was too drunk to drive. I was under the impression she was going to return it on Wednesday. Well it turns out I was under the wrong impression. My car and I were not reunited until Friday night. Throughout the latter part of the week AP said she was enjoying driving it and since she didn't have an SUV was seeing if it was something she wanted to buy. She did mention that I could walk to work because it is not that far. I mentioned to her that this was LA and no one walks anywhere. The only people walking are the tourists because they are too scared to drive. I also mentioned that she could just rent an SUV if she truly wanted to know what one was like. She said only tourists rented cars in LA. Touche'.

Anyway she showed up on Friday night and somehow invited herself to go along to Largo to see Glen Phillips. I guess I had mentioned it in passing to her and either I invited her and didn't remember or she just decided she was going to go and get me drunk again and get to keep my car. All week I had visions of her getting into a wreck or hitting a pap and me being sued out of my mind. If you have never been to Largo it is something you really should do when you come to LA. It is a sit down club for the most part. They do have a bar you can stand at, but it doesn't hold that many people and you really have to get in line early for popular bands and comedians. I had not planned on sitting, but rather just hanging out at the bar or partaking of the Jagermeister that I knew Mr. Phillips would have on his rider. Getting a seat is not easy, especially when you had not planned on sitting.

The best way to get a seat is to make a dinner reservation. Actually that is about the only way to get a seat unless you know someone like the singer. I love Largo for shows, but the food is just so so. Not bad at all, but not I would go there just for the food. It feels like all the food is just appetizers which is fine if you are going to a tapas place or just some munchies at a bar, but this is supposed to be dinner. Anyway, Friday night I turned the tables a bit and got AP drunk. Really drunk. Like falling down drunk. Like she was making Toad The Wet Sprocket jokes and puns all night. But, it was a funny kind of drunk and not homicidal rage kind of drunk. When we went out Tuesday she did not drink that much because she had been drinking during the afternoon. Yea, I know tough life. So, I got her drunk and got her to spill some tales.

So this actor she worked with before is very C list, but, EVERYONE knows him for one very important relationship. She says he is neither gay nor straight. She says that he is kind of asexual rather than bi-sexual. He is just so shy and afraid of hurting someones feelings that he will go out with whatever sex asks. She also said he is definitely not a take charge kind of guy and doesn't care about anything except making the other person happy. She said his non-sexual relationships are just the same and it gets really annoying after about a day and she just has no desire to work with him again. He just refuses to answer a question or make a decision and you just want to scream when you talk to him.

There is this other guy she knows who EVERYONE would also know even though he is not a celebrity. He has been with lots and lots of women including lots of celebrities and celebutantes. LOTS. The thing is that he has a very tough time performing and just prefers watching. Watching other couples or the girl he is with or two girls. He pretends he is all manly and virile, but the only way he can be that is with Viagra and lots of watching. She says the only way he can usually finish is to do it himself. Figures.

So after the concert and a quick hello to Glen we left. Did I mention what my car had turned into? Clothes, makeup, perfume everywhere. It was like she had been living in it. It was incredibly messy with food wrappers everywhere and some mega pack of Altoids looked as if it had exploded in the car. They were everywhere. Everything had that kind of white powder dust. OK, that would explain those Lindsay Lohan photos from this weekend. She was sucking down the Altoids. That's why she had the white powder all over her face. I understand now. She had an Altoid explosion also. Well, AP lives to hell and gone from LA and so I dropped her off at someones house (not a stranger, but I can't say exactly or it would give it away). I went home and went to sleep.

When I woke up on Saturday morning to get my car and go get it cleaned, it was gone. AP snatched it. I walked to work this morning.

CDAN: FFF 3/16/07

Friday, March 16, 2007

Blind Items Revealed and Four For Friday

Call it a St. Patrick's Day miracle or an alternative to NCAA basketball, but today you are getting the best of both worlds.

March 12, 2007

What cutie-pie actress at a pre-awards party let it be known that she was single and looking for a new guy. How did she let everyone know? By making out with two different prospects during the night.***I love the beach***

(Kirsten Dunst)

March 8, 2007

Last weekend at the poker tournament this B list actress who has been in two hit shows back to back was all kindness. An elderly man was getting up from his table and was struggling to get all of his chips together and his belongings while also keeping his balance. While this was going on, a group of four 20 something guys were playing grab ass with each other and just being asses in general ran into the elderly man. Our actress rushed to give aid to the elderly man whose chips and belongings had scattered beneath tables and chairs while at the same time unleashing a string of obscenities at the gang of four. When she unleashed her verbal tirade, it also caused the other players at the man's table to stop ignoring the situation and start helping. The gang of four looked sheepish and embarrassed but still did not help. The other players and our actress gathered the chips and belongings of the elderly man and our actress helped him to his feet and the other side of the casino where he was meeting his ride home. She stayed with him until she was sure he was fine and had cashed in his winnings.

(Maura Tierney-NewsRadio, ER)

March 5, 2007

She was doing so well also. This starlet who is allegedly sober was seen popping pills while drinking out of her "water" bottle this past weekend. Was it because of the recent photos of her which showed off her "baby bump?"

(Lindsay Lohan)

A little background to the one below. On February 14, 2007 I told everyone that I thought this couple would be together next year. Then, on February 17, 2007 they got the license and almost got married. The almost did it again refers to February 2005 when she and DJ AM did the same exact thing, and that Nicole was part of the party that was there when Nicky Hilton got married in 2004 in Las Vegas.

February 19, 2007
This woman is no stranger to Vegas weddings and almost did it again. She and her boyfriend of fifteen minutes got drunk enough to take out a license and were IN the chapel when she realized maybe a quickie wedding was not the way to go. She backed out, but the license is still valid and still ready to go should she change her mind.

( Nicole Richie and Joel Madden)

So, just two new ones today. Don't be greedy for four. You got some answers didn't you?

So she shares a name with a female former party legend. She is supposed to be clean and sober, but that was just so not the case the other night. Another question is where is she getting it? Is she getting it from one of her minders, because she is rarely ever alone anymore.

So this actress/singer recently dealt with a stalker and does not need anything out of the ordinary. So when this very rich guy took more than a passing interest in her and began sending gifts and flowers she did not find it fun or flattering and was just downright scared. Overreaction? probably, but everyone would be a little nervous in her shoes.

CDAN: 3/15/07

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This actress that I love to hate, and who has quite the following, surprised people last night with her weight gain. The rumor has it that she is pregnant. Just what this world needs.

Two separate stories but the same result--

This used to be A list television actress has been rumored to be having marital problems. Last night she was spotted leaving a restaurant alone. Whoops, not quite alone. Two seconds after she emerged, our mystery guy walked quickly in the opposite direction also alone. No he wasn't the valet or a waiter and he had a big smile on his face. Wonder if the husband knows. Wonder why our actress decided to sign autographs last night after dinner when she never usually does.

This Irish sounding singer showed up last night to an event almost in tears. When asked what was wrong she admitted that her long term relationship was finally over.

What blogger really ticked off MTV Australia by releasing the names of hosts and performers scheduled for the Australian VMA's before they were supposed to be made public?

CDAN: 3/14/07

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Today's Blind Item

So, back to last night and the dinner and drinking and gossiping. Did I mention the drinking? During dinner, AP got a text message talking about a party that was going on at the same time we were eating. She read it aloud and wrote back. Several more text messages revealed this.

This party caused a headache today for one person already and does not need to be rehashed. It may cause a few more. It seems that no big celebrities really wanted to attend this appearance, and so the companies involved ordered up some really no name female "talent". This talent consists of women who shuffle between the front of the camera and the crew as well as women who usually model or just appear in a very brief scene showing nothing at all. They came out in droves and swarmed over the few B list male attendees.

This married B list television and film actor was seen with two girls in one of the bathrooms trading kisses and gropes while finding time to do some lines of coke. Another fading and aging married C list film and television actor found two "actresses" of his own and spent time with them on a couch in the corner and then left with one on each arm. Meanwhile, a C list television and film actress known more for her body was in another area showing off her new breasts to a group of enraptured men and two women (not together). She gave each of them a lap dance while the others cheered and whistled. Tips were offered and accepted.

CDAN: Dinner, Gossip and Burglary 3/14/07

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Dinner, Gossip and Burglary

So last night went out with one of my new found Grammy friends. Let’s call her AP. I really didn’t want to go, but ended up having a good time. I don’t know if it was because of the booze or just because it was nice to go out for the first time in a few weeks. She is followed by the pap when she puts herself in a position to be photographed, but it just goes to show you that when you want to be away from the cameras it is pretty easy unless you are worthy of people following you all the time. I was going to tell her about the blog but chickened out. We basically talked about what it is like for an actress to change not only the public perception of her but also the studios. Even though she is a solid B lister she is forced to audition for the roles she wants. If she wants to portray what she is known for than it is unnecessary, but otherwise she reads scripts sent to her and has to go audition just like everyone else. The only break she gets is that she gets to see most of the scripts being sent out and can always get an audition.

Her solution to the problem has been to try and do films on her own which she loves but does not really pay the bills. In fact it even can cost her money in the long run. If her movie does not do well, she does not get her money back. In addition, to do the movie that she may not get any money for precludes her from picking up other work for which she could have been paid.

As my drinking level increased I started pumping her for gossip. One thing she said was something that makes sense but that I had not really thought of before. It was basically two things. One I had heard before. This celebutante dated a singer after his break-up but it was all for show and publicity for her. He didn’t mind because he just wanted something easy and uncomplicated and they both got what they wanted. In addition, this same person had been allegedly hit on by someone associated with her family. AP didn’t know if the girl went through with it or not though. The only reason she had heard about it is because some former friends of AP always joke about it.

We talked about drugs for awhile and she had some interesting things to say. She said they are always around and available whenever any star wants them. For women they are usually free and guys are always willing to buy coke or whatever for a girl just like anyone else would buy a drink for a woman in a bar. They always want something in return. AP knows if someone is headed to rehab or should be headed to rehab if the star is actually having to buy their own drugs. It means they are using way more than they should be because as long as it is recreational, someone will always be willing to pay for the star. When it gets to be abuse, the star is on the hook for the cost and that is where the trouble starts.

I honestly don’t remember much beyond that, except that I asked her if she ever made a sex tape and she said yes. She said though that after filming, she looked at the guy and realized she was not going to marry him and not going to be with him long-term and knew that would be trouble. So, she grabbed the tape and jumped up and down on it, pulled the tape out, and then cut it up into a million pieces. Plenty of people have asked since, but she has always said no.

Three people came up and asked for her autograph and also wanted a photo. Of course I got to be the photo guy. Unfamiliar digital cameras and drinking do not always go well together, especially when the subjects of the photo REALLY want their shot of AP and them to be perfect. Well then you shouldn't have asked the drunk guy to take the photo. One of the people wanted AP to record a voice mail message, but AP didn't want to. I did though and made some wise ass remark about Mel Gibson. I think I offended the woman though because she looked at me like I had lost my mind.

I was too drunk to drive and so she drove me home and then I must have told her to keep the car and I would pick it up today. I know this, because at about 4am my phone rang. One of my favorite clients got arrested for burglary and when I went downstairs to get my car it was not there. Cabs are always fun at 4am, especially when you are caught in the middle of still being a little drunk and the hangover is just starting to take over your body. I had to arrange his bail which is not unusual. He just is not very good at what he does, and so is arrested about once a year. He is such a nice guy and could do so many things with his life, but as he has told me many times, this is his career. He never gets any serious jail time because he rarely makes it inside the building which he is trying to burglarize.

CDAN: 3/13/07

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Today's Blind Item


Last night at the Ralphs Supermarket on Sunset. This award winning B list television actor, formerly a B list movie actor with one big starring A list role had a huge cart filled with groceries. The store was packed. A woman with two items comes up to him and asks if she can go in front of him. The actor replied, "Why the f*** would I let you go in front of me? Are you dying? Is there someone waiting for you who is going to die? The purpose of a line is to put everyone and everything in order. I was here first and you were here second."

She replied that he seemed so nice on television.

"Well this is Ralphs, not television and you need to learn to tell the difference," he said.

At that point she left the line and went to another on the opposite end of the store.

CDAN: 3/12/07

Monday, March 12, 2007
Today's Blind Items

When I bring back a blind item from a previous post it is because either there were no correct guesses or you are way off track. So, just because Billie says they are solved does not mean they are actually solved.

This C list blond bombshell actress has moved from bit parts on television to nice sized roles in the movies. She has been working her way steadily up the ladder. Her latest film was supposed to be her breakout role. In fact she was even being talked about to play ANS in a future film. Well if she is going to portray ANS she has one thing in common with her. Turns out everyone thought she was a goody-goody until this latest film role. She was getting tired during the long filming days and so a member of the crew gave her a little pill to make her wide awake. She loved it and went back everyday. One day the crew member gave her a little coke and now she can't get enough. Two other actresses on the film sat our actress down and told her that she had a great career ahead of her and to stop doing what she was doing. They threatened to tell the producers if they caught her again. She stopped. BUT, since filming ended she has gone back to her old ways and is moving in with the crew member to make sure her source stays close.

Do you remember this blind item from last month?

Prior to the Academy Awards this weekend, stars and non-stars alike will be begged to visit or have to worm their way in to various swag bag suites to get free stuff. If you want free stuff for yourself or even a guest, then no problem. The problem is when you are a middling star at best, and decide you want to invite five of your friends to each suite. This C list actress on a big hit show decided to throw a fit in one suite when she was told that her friends would not be able to grab any of the high priced goodies for themselves. She yelled and cursed and threw a fit that would make Naomi Campbell or Foxy Brown proud, but the staff would not budge. So, our actress decided to leave. Before leaving though, she managed to break and or damage several items and was stuffing everything else she could grab into her HUGE purse and then walked out without looking back. (Not Hayden P.)

***Well she was up to her old tricks again this weekend. Trying to show off to her no-name friends, our actress tried to get into Winston's. Nope. She started with don't you know who I am routine and still she could not get in. So, they moved over to Hyde. (NOTE to celebrities. Drive yourself and do not hire a driver. Then no one would know) Even this club wouldn't let her in now and they let anyone in now. (Even me, which is REALLY pathetic.) The people at the door said no to her, but did agree to let her two friends in. Her friends were overjoyed and left the actress at the door. When the people at the door finally relented, our actress told anyone who would listen that it was just to make her friends look good. (Different network than Hayden P)

Blind Item Queen

When I was going back through the blind items, I realized this actress is the subject of three blind items. I think this is her most recent. There are two others. One which deals with what she likes in her men and the other about some of her other adult activities. I can't find them right now though. (Not Jessica B.)

What cutie-pie actress at a pre-awards party let it be known that she was single and looking for a new guy. How did she let everyone know? By making out with two different prospects during the night.   ***I love the beach***

(Kirsten Dunst)

CDAN: FFF 3/09/07

Friday, March 09, 2007
Four For Friday

One thing before we start. Trent from Pink Is The New Blog was on a plane that had to make an emergency landing in the middle of the Mojave desert. The reason for this was a fire in the cockpit. I am glad that Trent and all of the other passengers and crew are safe.

#1 Which B list actor was not warmly received when he inserted himself into another actor's big night and stole much of the publicity from the actor and the project?

#2 What moron thought Kim Kardashian would make a great host for a workout video? Was it the same moron who said she should host the show at her store? Whoops. That's not really blind is it?

#3 Do you remember this blind item from two months ago?

This actress has had her ups and downs and been big and small in her television and film career. On her current hit show, all of the cast and crew have tried to play cupid, but to no avail. Although she was recognized in the past, nothing prepared her for what she is going through now. Previously, even when on a popular show she was able to be with her female lovers in public, but that is no longer possible. Instead she goes on a blind date with a guy and finds something wrong. She then delays as long as possible before being set up again. She longs for her old life where she did not have to hide. She used to have a long distance beard but that ended when her relationship with her ex girlfriend ended. She wants to come out but is afraid despite the fact that real life and fiction are not always so different.

***She is having to go through this cycle again because people always ask who she is dating. She is even using a very popular tactic which everyone recognizes for what it is.***

#4 This A List actor at least in his mind and the way he acts is a little nervous these days. Turns out that his body which he displays with pride may have been the product of a little chemical help. Seems he used the same pharmacy as many of the athletes now getting into trouble and is afraid his name will also show up on the list and be made public.

(50 Cent)

Because you deserve a bonus if you watched that workout video

#5 You remember this blind item from last week's FFF?

A marriage that everyone thought was headed to divorce years ago because of bad boy behavior is actually heading to divorce now because of drug use and violence. His wife has always denied it in the past and been a big supporter of this bad boy. BUT that is all about to change and will become public knowledge very soon.

***If he makes it another week without being arrested for drug use or ending up in rehab, everyone who knows him will be shocked.***

CDAN: 3/08/07

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Today's Blind Items


Last weekend at the poker tournament this B list actress who has been in two hit shows back to back was all kindness. An elderly man was getting up from his table and was struggling to get all of his chips together and his belongings while also keeping his balance. While this was going on, a group of four 20 something guys were playing grab ass with each other and just being asses in general ran into the elderly man. Our actress rushed to give aid to the elderly man whose chips and belongings had scattered beneath tables and chairs while at the same time unleashing a string of obscenities at the gang of four. When she unleashed her verbal tirade, it also caused the other players at the man's table to stop ignoring the situation and start helping. The gang of four looked sheepish and embarrassed but still did not help. The other players and our actress gathered the chips and belongings of the elderly man and our actress helped him to his feet and the other side of the casino where he was meeting his ride home. She stayed with him until she was sure he was fine and had cashed in his winnings.

(Maura Tierney-NewsRadio, ER)

No Jackass to go with this, but a hint to one. Do you remember this jackass?
***Update***No matter how much you spin it and think everyone is believing your happy tale, you are still an ass. Not just in this situation but in so many others as well. You have great publicists who make everything seem to go away, but eventually your temper will get the best of you.

Do you remember this blind item from two months ago?

This British actress and her current boyfriend are always photographed in public groping and making out. She tries hard to show that she is all woman and that she loves boys. The problem is that even when they are out and about, no one really believes it. He is hot for her, but she always looks as if it is the last thing on her mind no matter how much they mug for the cameras. In private he doesn’t even get a whiff of her perfume. When they started dating he thought it would be true love. Actually though it has been a nightmare because she will not let him break it off. She has an image to live up to. What it means for him though is that everyone thinks he is dating her so she turns the girls from him away, although she is watching them when they walk away.

***So now that he finally managed to escape her death grip, she is on the hunt for a new show boy (better than beard) but everyone knows the score in the UK so she is coming to LA and hoping to find someone who hates kissing her as much as she hates kissing him.***

This blind item also needs to be updated.

This fading so fast cable reality star just does not want to let go. Not content to sit on the beach or watch OC reruns on Fox, he instead likes to go to places where he knows teenagers flock and where he will still be recognized and adored. His latest trick is to go to fast food restaurants in the mall and channeling Eric Roberts in Star 80 convinces the barely legal females that he can make them a star. Invariably, he invites them back to his place, has his way with them and has them pose for photos he promises to submit to Playboy. The girls never hear from him again, but have heard from his friends who also want a personal show after viewing the photos.

***So, one reality star headed to jail. Will our fading star be keeping him company? One of his recent conquests was 17 and not the 18 she originally claimed. Our fading star is really sweating this and has totally given up his game because his parents had to bail him out with some financial assistance to keep everything quiet.***

CDAN: 3/07/07

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Today's Blind Items

Do you remember the blind item about the pap who was staking out a house looking for one special photo? Well there have been some developments. First, the boyfriend and girlfriend have married. I ran into the pap's assistant the other day and he said that about 5 or 6 weeks ago, the now wife left for a few days and the pap got the shot he wanted. It took him months of waiting but he got the money shot. He tried to sell it to a US magazine and they did not want to touch it. He then went to a UK magazine and they offered him a tremendous amount of money, but not the kind of money that makes up for months of waiting. So, using the UK offer as leverage he decided to offer the photo for sale to the husband. They have discussed a price but nothing finalized yet. If the sale does not go final, then UK it is.

Do you remember this blind item from a few months ago?

One of my favorite actresses is finding that the road to seriousness is tough when you are not serious yourself. This actress who has been in A-List movies and has had an A list career without the payoff has begun to try her hand at producing. The only problem is that during her latest film she spent more time in the bathroom doing lines of coke then remembering the lines in her part. In the last few months she had assured everyone that she was clean and sober and an angel all over again. Two years ago her career almost came crashing to a halt because no one would hire her. She cleaned up and has been working and had more in the works. But just like her last few relationships, the projects are disappearing fast. She has always been gorgeous and talented, but because of the drugs and booze always one step away from becoming an acting footnote.

***Update***She has basically sold herself out to the highest bidder now. Found a rich guy and let him be the financial backer for her producing and all of her living expenses and in return she will be his actress girlfriend that can still make the pap follow her sometimes.

**New Today**

In a similar vein these two actresses are competing to be the new trophy girlfriend of this aging tycoon. He is always seen in the company of beautiful women because it is a part of his job. Always willing to provide favors for those women who are nice to him, he provides special favors to the actress who pleases him most. He had a long-term "situation" recently end. He has two women competing for the role of trophy. One is an 80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women. The other is an exotic actress we have come to love; at least in the gossip world.

CDAN: 3/06/07

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Today's Blind Items

At a recent wedding, this former flame did not show up because the new husband did not want him to be there. Seems as if he has caught his new bride and her former flame still sparking from time to time. He was willing to put up with it when they were single, but not now as a married couple.

Remember this blind item from a few weeks ago--

This sometime actress and I am being generous there. This sometime singer and I am being generous there. This woman who rides on the coattails of __________. That is much better. Anyway our actress/singer/leech has a new love. Well, she thinks he is a new love. To him, our actress/singer/leech is someone kind of cool to say he had sex with and you can close your eyes and kind of imagine___________. Anyway, she thinks it is love, and everyone else including__________ knows it is all about sex and nothing else.

(Haylie Duff/Hilary Duff/AJ DiScala)

A little update. Two actually. He recently told her that he wanted to invite another woman over and join them. She said no and told her friend (never do that) what he had said. Well she found out she missed him so she went back and agreed to do as he wanted. As for imagining__________, she has drawn the line in fulfilling that fantasy for him. She does allow the other person in the background so to speak.

Remember this blind item from a few weeks ago--

First going back to Clive's - This aging, non-musical, star got him some special hand loving right there at the dinner table. No one was around and they thought it was safe. Unfortunately for the loving couple, someone walked by RIGHT at the most inconvenient moment and made sure to share the news with everyone.

He has been in the news a lot lately. His girlfriend was shocked and embarrassed they were caught and told her friend (again, never do that), but he still got her to do it again at dinner last week.

CDAN: 3/05/07

Monday, March 05, 2007
Today's Blind Items

An update to the blind item from Thursday about the comedian who is making everyone miserable with his work edicts. It seems as if the comedian has gone too far. Tired of putting up with his crap, there was a walkout en masse of various workers which caused the production to grind to a halt until they could find some new replacement victims, I mean workers.

She was doing so well also. This starlet who is allegedly sober was seen popping pills while drinking out of her "water" bottle this past weekend. Was it because of the recent photos of her which showed off her "baby bump?"

(Lindsey Lohan)

One of the great things about Las Vegas is the plentiful food. This actress who had been gaining weight and looking hot enough to date after a long bout of not eating is back at it again. Our spy caught her in the restroom at a restaurant the other night either suffering from the flu or an instant case of food poisoning because the actress spent about ten minutes getting rid of the food she had just eaten.

CDAN: FFF 3/02/07

Friday, March 02, 2007
Four For Friday

Seriously I wish people would either be gay or straight because even I am getting confused. I mean I want Portia de Rossi to be straight but she is not and I can live with that. It can be just hard sometimes to get the image of Ellen out of my mind, but with effort anything is possible.

Another singer. Not the one from yesterday is now switching between guys and girls. I guess the guys are even interested now that they have seen the photos and he is more than willing.

A marriage that everyone thought was headed to divorce years ago because of bad boy behavior is actually heading to divorce now because of drug use and violence. His wife has always denied it in the past and been a big supporter of this bad boy. BUT that is all about to change and will become public knowledge very soon.

This female A list celebrity and B list actress has always alternated between men and women. Now it seems as if she has gotten herself in the family way and is not quite sure who the father is and so for now is quietly asking all of her recent boyfriends what they would want to do about the situation if they were the father.

This aging C list actor cannot get a date, but he does have money and so he always pays a woman to be his date/relationship for the month prior to and immediately after any movie he is in.

I know the last one is practically impossible so here is a bonus.

This aging former cable star was heard lamenting the other night how her very rich husband has cheated on her from almost day one of their marriage. He married her when she was still something. Now she is a oh, yeah I remember her. She just accepts the cheating because they have an iron clad pre-nup and she has no job prospects and no money.

CDAN: 3/01/07

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This lead singer of a popular group which has a Gilligan's Island connection has never set very high standards when it comes to the women he dates. The easier the better. This has given him the protection he needs as he totally gives up the ladies and concentrates on men. In the past several weeks he has been spotted in several nightclubs in LA picking up guys for the night. He has to take them to hotels or back to their place, because his current boyfriend would be none to happy to know he has been getting a little something on the side.

This comedian who has been in the news lately has taken out his anger on the staff and crew of his television show. Producers have been ordered to fire anyone who is not working every second of the day. There is no standing around or you are out the door. Of course this rule does not apply to the comedian himself who takes long naps to make it through the 16 hour workdays. The producers understand that resentment is building. With no crew or staff, there would be no show and so only take action when the comedian is around. They also realize that the comedian only notices himself and so the producers yell at the offending party and then shuffle them off where they will not be seen the rest of the day.

CDAN: 2/28/07

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This A-List actor notorious for not having a full head of hair was recently sweating heavily. He thought he was hidden from anyone approaching and removed his headgear to wipe away the sweat. When he did, he revealed the most hideous comb-over in the history of comb-overs. What was even more shocking was the total lack of hair to comb over. Our spy indicated there were about ten hairs in total trying to cover up the massive bald area right down the middle of his head.

What husband cannot stand to see his wife have all the spotlight? The wife is scheduled to make a big television appearance alone, and the husband has told her she cannot do it unless he is right next to her. If he can't, then he won't let her.

CDAN: 2/27/07

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This actor who is in a very serious relationship is on one of those television shows on every night of the week. This actor has been seen out and about with a lovely lady not his girlfriend. There have been no hints there is anything wrong with his relationship, but how else to explain his repeated sightings with this former 80's star. At restaurants and parties they just happen to always be there at the same time and always leave within five minutes of each other.

This steadily working, busty actress has done television and movies. She has been the star in small films and is fairly highly billed in the big productions. She has worked with a particular actor in several projects. When they first got together they had a brief romantic relationship and he introduced her to that lovely white powder. She stopped, and he kept using. Recently they got back together and she was reintroduced to drugs. This time though a pipe was involved, the drugs got a little stronger and she just can't stop. Up for a VERY big role in a very big film, but producers are hesitating because her problem is spiraling out of control.

CDAN: 2/26/07

Monday, February 26, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This upcoming B list movie actor is known for playing tough guy roles and being the ladies man on screen. So, it was kind of odd that his "date" to this pre-Oscar party was an out and about gay actor and performer. The actor made sure his "date" was not around when the cameras were, but left early after the "date" got his feelings hurt one too many times.

Female singer. Been in rehab before and looks like she could use a repeat visit.

Which used to be A list film actress "accidentally" spilled her drink on the dress of the pretty girl flirting with her husband and making him smile and laugh?

CDAN: FFF 2/23/07

Friday, February 23, 2007
Four For Friday

Oscar time means pre-Oscar parties and pre-pre parties. Well, OK, Hollywood does not need much of an excuse to party. However, at one party, this actress who married above herself never let her husband get more than 3 feet away from her. Some would say she was just affectionate, but it got to the laughable stage very quickly when she kept trying to interject herself between any woman who dared speak to her husband. The only time he was alone was when he went to the bathroom. She waited by the door after escorting him there.

This former female reality star has called in every favor owed to her for one reason. She is obsessed with this singer. For the last ten days he has made appearances at four parties and she has been right there every step of the way. She crashed one party and came as the "date" of another woman just so she could keep trying to get him to notice her. Still hasn't worked but there is another party tonight so...

Life must be getting harder for this married A-List actor. Long thought to be sober, he was spotted at a recent party chugging down a drink before spending the rest of the night with a bottle of water.

I am a diva, get me out of here. That was the attitude of this recent actress who made the briefest of brief appearances. Thinking there was going to be name talent, she found herself surrounded by C&D listers and she was just too good for that. She walked through the room once and then was gone. Next year she may well be on the other side looking in.

CDAN: 2/22/07

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Today's Blind Items

Prior to the Academy Awards this weekend, stars and non-stars alike will be begged to visit or have to worm their way in to various swag bag suites to get free stuff. If you want free stuff for yourself or even a guest, then no problem. The problem is when you are a middling star at best, and decide you want to invite five of your friends to each suite. This C list actress on a big hit show decided to throw a fit in one suite when she was told that her friends would not be able to grab any of the high priced goodies for themselves. She yelled and cursed and threw a fit that would make Naomi Campbell or Foxy Brown proud, but the staff would not budge. So, our actress decided to leave. Before leaving though, she managed to break and or damage several items and was stuffing everything else she could grab into her HUGE purse and then walked out without looking back. (Not Hayden P.)

This movie actress who has been known to lose her top once or twice or maybe twenty times has always professed to love all men and women. She will love them together or separately. At a recent party she went only for the women, specifically one woman. Besides leaving together that night, she and her prey also share at least one other common bond.

CDAN: 2/21/07

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This B list actress who was a regular WB/UPN one shot wonder has her own television show now. This past weekend she wanted company each night and she did not discriminate when it came to men and women. She flirted with each gender almost non-stop and her report card reads one night with a guy, and the next night with a guy and girl.

This television host despite being married spent some a whole bunch of time hitting on someone almost half his age. Thinking he was going to get lucky he made his move, only to be rebuffed when the girl said there was no way she would do anything with him because he was old and her mom's favorite star.

This newly single female singer literally should have passed out numbers to get in line to speak/hit on her. Throughout the weekend one celeb and NBA player after another would spend a minute or two trying to make a dent in her facade and to see if they would have any luck. Although she did not hook up with anyone, she did utter the best line all weekend. An NBA player was making the moves on her and she said, "First of all I am not interested at all in you, and second, do you think you could show me and your wife some respect by taking your wedding ring back out of your pocket and put it on your finger where it belongs."

CDAN: 2/20/07

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Today's Blind Items

This B list movie/television actor became one of the few. Yes, he was rejected by none other than Paris Hilton herself when he made a very public move on her this past weekend. He said a few words and then she turned her back. For the rest of the night he insisted that he did not try and hit on her, but everyone knows he couldn't get her to say yes.

This "actress" was on the prowl. It turns out however that her definition of prowl is much different than most everyone else. An NBA player took an interest in her and she right back at him. When he suggested they go back to his room, she informed him it would be $5000 an hour for her company. He laughed, and then walked away.

CDAN: A Wedding that Wasn't

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Wedding that Wasn't

This woman is no stranger to Vegas weddings and almost did it again. She and her boyfriend of fifteen minutes got drunk enough to take out a license and were IN the chapel when she realized maybe a quickie wedding was not the way to go. She backed out, but the license is still valid and still ready to go should she change her mind.

( Nicole Richie and Joel Madden)

CDAN: 2/13/07

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This sometime actress and I am being generous there. This sometime singer and I am being generous there. This woman who rides on the coattails of __________. That is much better. Anyway our actress/singer/leech has a new love. Well, she thinks he is a new love. To him, our actress/singer/leech is someone kind of cool to say he had sex with and you can close your eyes and kind of imagine___________. Anyway, she thinks it is love, and everyone else including__________ knows it is all about sex and nothing else.

Haylie Duff/Hilary Duff/AJ DiScala

This allegedly happily married singer. Well, maybe not so happy and maybe not going to be married for much longer. When someone asked him about his wife the other night, he said that they have an understanding. She knows it is tough for him to be across the country or on the road and so he can see who he wants when they are not together. I really think this would be news to the wife.

CDAN: 2/12/07

Monday, February 12, 2007

What actor who wishes he was A List but is a B on a good day, was enjoying some new ladies just days after being photographed with another? This actor was enjoying himself a little much with things other than women at this Grammy party, but still managed to find the time to take two women with him when he left.

What cutie-pie actress at a pre-awards party let it be known that she was single and looking for a new guy. How did she let everyone know? By making out with two different prospects during the night.

CDAN: 2/12/07

Monday, February 12, 2007

In case you did not notice, I have already included one blind item in a post today and will continue to do so instead of just listing them all at noon. All of them took place last night or Saturday night.

This wedding ceremony loving musician was heard offering/willing to share/willing to watch his date for the evening to anyone who made a nice comment about her.

So moving on to the next party. Feel a tap on my shoulder, and someone is playing the run to the other side before they look game. Who was it you ask? That's right, Ms. Reid. She was back and better than ever. You have to realize that I am a 65 year old, fat, balding, glasses wearing guy and so it seemed odd that Ms. Reid was so entranced my persona that she found me again. She did not know I was going to be at that party, because I did not think I was going to be until the true amount of suckage at the WMG party became apparent. I must admit that she was very charming, but of course the pap show up now, and not earlier with Scarlett. Anyway, she was nice and we actually spoke for about 30 minutes. The reason we were able to speak for 30 minutes is because this party (EMI) also sucked.
Before I leave this party though, let me say that Ryan Cabrera and Natasha Bedingfield will be all over everywhere in the next few weeks. That is why rooms were invented people.

CDAN: 2/12/07

Monday, February 12, 2007

Grammy Parties Gossip

First going back to Clive's - This aging, non-musical, star got him some special hand loving right there at the dinner table. No one was around and they thought it was safe. Unfortunately for the loving couple, someone walked by RIGHT at the most inconvenient moment and made sure to share the news with everyone.
So, I was at the Warner Music Group after party for all of 30 minutes. Quite possibly the lamest after party of all time. HOWEVER, it had one very happy moment for me. Michael Buble was being his usual asinine self and doing his best to make Scarlett Johansson run and hide. Instead, she ran to me. That is right. She ran to me and away from Justin and Josh and all the other J's she dates in the world. For five minutes I was her protector. It was also the only time in my life I was PRAYING for a pap to show up. Five minutes of heaven before being rudely kicked to the curb when her friend came back from the bathroom.

Yes, Petra and James were there, and it does not matter because I am telling you it was all for show baby.

CDAN: 2/09/07

Friday, February 09, 2007

Four For Friday

One of these is from Fashion Week, but you will have to guess which one.

Do not forget that one week from today I will reveal some of those troubling blind items for you. Some you have already guessed, and some you have not. There may even be a shocker or two as well.

Speaking of shockers, this A-list film actress may not always be the perfect wife everyone thinks she is. When her husband is away -- and he has been away several times in the past year -- she has enjoyed a torrid romance with her personal trainer. Originally, this trainer was hired to help her burn off stress, but not pounds, just doing old fashioned exercise. Seeing each other several times a week has kept the stress levels down, but lately it has been a much different kind of exercise. Each of them knows it is a fling, but the trainer has already started sharing details with friends and clients. How long will it be before hubby finds out (and the rest of the world, too)?

It is not only the men in Hollywood who like to have more than one flame burning at a time. This B-list film actress with fairly hopeless aspirations to be A-list keeps at least two guys each in LA and NYC. What started out as just liking one guy from each city has progressed into something more. She still keeps those two around for safety, but what she really enjoys is something a little more wild. Our actress enjoys guys who have been in recent relationships. There are only two requirements: they must have been in a big enough relationship where being seen with them will give her some publicity, AND she must have heard something about how they are good in bed or very well endowed.

This B-list actor will basically work for food. OK, so maybe that makes him C-list, but he was in one of my all-time favorites, so I want to make him a B. But he was a jerk in that movie and in real life, so back to C he goes. Anyway, while filming his latest Tori Spelling-specialty, he met this actress who thought our actor was cute and he was divorced and thus worthy of a date or two. After the first date, she really thought this could be something nice. Then someone on the set warned her about why our actor got divorced. Whoops! No more dates and a really cold shoulder. When they had lines together or had to kiss, it was sterile and clinical. He really is thinking of only working overseas, because the women in Hollywood have him pegged and no one who knows the full story of his divorce wants to work with our actor.

This permanent male television reality personality is married and shouts it from the rooftops. Problem is, he would rather be married to a man than to his wife.

I am on my way back to LA for the Grammys and will have a full report for everyone on Monday.

CDAN: 2/08/07

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Something new for the first blind item of the day--

I have NO idea who this is. Alison e-mailed me this and asked me who it is. I do not have a clue, but I think there are enough hints to figure it out. I will say that the agent who came from California COULD be Scott Boras.

JANUARY 24--An Illinois man tried to extort a six-figure payment from an unnamed "professional athlete," claiming that his daughter was impregnated by the athlete shortly after they met late last year at a St. Louis nightclub, according to federal investigators. An FBI affidavit alleges that George Edwards, 48, met with a friend of the pro athlete--who is only identified as "P.A."--and reported that his daughter Laura was pregnant and "wanted money."

The athlete's friend then offered "several thousand dollars to have George and Laura, then 22, leave P.A. alone," wrote FBI Agent Dustin Sorrells. Soon, one of the athlete's sports agents was negotiating with George Edwards to pay $25,000 to "obtain a DNA test to establish paternity." If the child was the athlete's, he was prepared to pay Laura Edwards an additional $125,000.

In January, a second agent for the athlete traveled from California to St. Louis to deliver the $25,000 payment to George Edwards. Days later, Edwards called the agent and claimed that Laura had suffered a miscarriage, but that he still wanted the $125,000 payment. And if he didn't get the money, Edwards warned, he would file a legal claim against the athlete and "make P.A.'s affair with Laura public."

I twas at this point that the athlete and his agents apparently first contacted the FBI. In a subsequent monitored phone call, when the second agent agreed to the $125,000 hush money payment, Edwards repeatedly assured him that, in return, he "would not notify the Associated Press, the Sporting News or any other media outlet either directly or through his attorney."

As part of the deal, Edwards was supposed to turn over"some recordings and photographs which presumably documented Laura's relationship with P.A.," the affidavit notes. George Edwards was arrested Monday and charged with extortion, a felony which carries a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He is in custody pending a detention hearing scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Laura Edwards has not been charged.

Now, more from Fashion Week

This male news anchor had a comment about every guy he saw while at one show. Most of the comments were basically about adult activities he wanted to indulge in with the spied upon guys.

Anderson Cooper

This high as a kite male rock star disappeared at an after party with this fashion icon's daughter. A follower of the couple said they shared two things in a bathroom stall. One was something white, and one involved removing some clothes.

This one makes my brain hurt. BUT, I am not sure this female member of a band even has a brain. When the runway portion of the show was over and everyone was getting ready to leave, she said, "When do the designers come out and explain their designs to the judges?"

CDAN: 2/07/07

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

More from Fashion Week

This female television hostess is extremely popular with the general public, but this was not the case with the people at Fashion Week. No one wanted a photo with this sometimes controversial star. She was left by herself or with her publicist and agent who were along for the ride.

At least the people attending Fashion Week were civilized to the above mentioned hostess. No such discretion for this female reality star in attendance who was openly mocked and laughed at throughout the week. Despite having money, the people present decided class definitely did not go hand in hand with that money.

There were plenty of drugs to be found throughout the week, but for sheer volume consumed per person this sometime actress/sometime singer/sometime model definitely took home first prize. Witnessing her awesome use of coke in corners, bathrooms, backstage, and sometimes even in the open, there was just awe that this person was till alive, let alone even had a nose remaining.

CDAN: 2/06/07

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Fashion Week in NYC is a busy time. People have been doing their best to make the blind items on this page. Let's not disappoint them.

This television actress who I have a big crush on was backstage after a show this week. She was confronted by a blind item revealed woman that if our actress ever wanted to give up men, she would love to be her first. Our actress gave a nervous chuckle and said her goodbyes.

This singer turned actress has caused lots of heads to turn. The normally slender singer/actress looks as if she has put on several pounds lately. Whispers around the tents are saying she is pregnant, but the father does not want to step up. Therefore our singer/actress is keeping it quiet and has not even decided whether or not to keep the baby.

This singer/sometimes actress also has caused her fair share of heads to be turned. In addition to her new breast augmentation is her new found love for all things Sapphic. Her bad luck with men has made her very receptive to all things women. And yes, I mean all things women.

This famous runner-up was heard asking several times why only women were hitting on her and no guys? Plenty of women came up to the still shy singer, but men barely acknowledged her, let alone tried to hit on her.

More tomorrow from Fashion Week

CDAN: 1/05/07

Monday, February 05, 2007

Just because prostitution is legal in certain parts of Nevada does not really excuse or explain what this 80's A list actor was doing propositioning models to spend some time with him in his hotel room recently. Our actor was at an event which featured women hosts and presenters and was too lazy to try and just hit on them. Instead he went up to each model and offered them $5000 to spend the night with him. Most were just disgusted at the offer, but it seems as if our actor finally found two who were willing to spend the night with this loved everywhere but here actor.

David Hasselhoff

Which former A list actor trying to make a recent comeback has added some extra lift to his lifts? This aging actor has always worn lifts in his shoes to at least give the impression that he is within shouting distance of 5'8". Now as he ages, he has added another inch or two to the lifts which has caused him to fall down on several recent press calls for his recent movie.

Going from one extreme to another. This actress who was on everyone's lips a few years ago, is back and going stronger than ever. She is extremely tall and some say overly aggressive towards men. Her relationships have not lasted because she LOVES to be in control. Her latest conquest has nothing to do with love and everything to do with a part she wants. The fact that he is smaller than her and loves to be dominated by her is just a plus in her book. If you think Angelina and Billy Bob were odd with their blood, then what this actress collects will really make you shudder.

CDAN: FFF 2/02/07

Friday, February 02, 2007

There are still more plugs to come including Jeeeze's restaurant and bikinis from the company where hez works.

But now, Four For Friday

This is a two-parter. It was going to be one part, but people go crazy and make it necessary to add another part. This actress is C list, but a definite hottie and is starting to get a red hot reputation and more work. Obviously not top billing, but getting those movie roles where she is the sexy lady helping out the men. In her latest role, she was the highest billed female and definitely wanted to help out the men. Well, one man in particular. She and this funny man were inseparable during filming and she made sure everyday was memorable. Even though he is married, our actress was not bothered in the least. She made it clear she was only in it for fun, and also for a role in his next film. He agreed, and she delivered.

She delivered again recently at a party for C&D listers. Our actress confessed to a male reality party goer how she found another female reality party goer extremely attractive. The male reality party goer sensing a very big opportunity plied the female reality party goer with enough booze to make all her inhibitions disappear. As a reward, the male reality party goer got to watch the two women together. An ambiguous actor at the party heard about the setup, was NOT invited and told so more than once. Our actress was proud but our female reality party goer vows never to do it again. No video, but there are some cellphone pics going around town.

Big bonus points for getting all five names--

Like father like son. Different careers in the entertainment business. One more known as an actor and the other a performer, but their mating habits are identical. The father could not spell fidelity or find someone even half his age. The son dates plenty of women who are his own age. The problem is that his wife does not know he is dating them.

This ambiguous rocker but not a rock star has found a new flame. Everyone says she is the spitting image of his ex. I guess our rocker does not agree though because he makes her wear wigs and act like his ex whenever they rock the bed. She is growing tired of it, but does not want to lose her possible meal ticket and so just smiles and does what he says.

CDAN: 2/01/07

Thursday, February 01, 2007

These two have a Texas connection which should help you out.

This A list actress wants to be married only once which is why she is working so hard at saving a marriage that is becoming one problem after another. Always hesitant to marry, and famous for just having boyfriends, this actress finally took the plunge. The plunge though was not what she was expecting. Always publicity shy, her husband's past actions are forcing her into the public eye much more than she would like. It seems as if her husband did not tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth when they were dating and his past mistakes and relationships are coming back to haunt him and our actress. She wants it to all go away, but new problems surface everyday. As things grow more tense, they are spending less time together, and the feeling is that is not if they will split up, but when.

Sandra Bullock & Jesse James

This former A list television actress of the 80's has found her way into a new television show and also found her way into several of her younger co-star's trailers. This still gorgeous actress has made it clear that she prefers men much younger than herself. In one instance she had been rebuffed by one of her younger male co-stars as she tried to make some heavy handed advances. So, she took matters into her own hands and was waiting for him in his trailer wearing nothing but a smile. Her co-star did not refuse her advances this time and even was bragging about our actress and her lovemaking skills. Well, after the bragging, our actress found another young male co-star to share her affections with also. Now, our actress is the one who is bragging and enjoying having two men who both think she is still A list.

Morgan Fairchild

CDAN: 1/31/07

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I have been trying to finish a long blind item and hopefully will get a chance in the next day or so. It won't be as long as some of the others I have written, but will give you an insight to some celebrity lives that will definitely jade you if you are not yet jaded about Hollywood.

So this is barely a blind item, but we will count it as such. Last night at a movie premiere, it was discovered that a recent romance with a very unlikely couple should actually be categorized as a "romance." Seems our actress was looking for some publicity for her new film while her new "boyfriend" agreed to help because he had started to fade from the limelight as well. Our actress made one other recent attempt to garner some headlines, but no one was buying what she was offering. Whatever kisses you saw on camera were the only kisses these two shared. Although good friends, they are only good friends and more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend.

Mandy Moore and Adam Goldstein

This award winning A-list actor has been in and out of numerous relationships this past year. His current girlfriend thinks she is the one because of what he has been saying to her in private and in public. What she doesn't know is that when he has been doing interviews for his latest film and has been alone, he has been passing out a phone number to ladies that catch his eye. When they call the number they get one of his assistants. The assistant then schedules a time for the actor and woman to get together for an extended "interview." These extended interviews are one of the reasons the actor's recent marriage did not work out.

This B list actress has always had a career with lots of starts and stops. At one point everyone she was the next big thing. At some point though, her moods and her sexuality caused her to lose a few parts that she would have otherwise been given. Now, with her career back on track and concerns about which team she plays for mostly irrelevant, there is a new problem she is being forced to face. Face literally. She was given some bad botox injections and has had some intermittent problems moving her facial muscles. Right now doctors are taking a wait and see attitude to her most recent outbreak, but our actress is really afraid she will start to sputter again and never get back.

CDAN: 1/30/07

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This B list television actress is a new relationship with a guy only she could love. The problem is that the the guy really thinks he is God's gift to women. She wants this relationship to work out so much that she is looking past his blatant flirting with other women, while she is standing there. She thinks it is love and he is just using her as a free ticket for award show season. He has no interest in her outside of being that extra ticket, and has acted accordingly. Whether her back is turned or not, he is always looking for the next one. Her friends are appalled, but know it has been awhile since anyone cared and are just hoping things turn out for the best.

Teri Hatcher

Speaking of cads, this young B list television actor has been having his way with his much younger co-star. She is so enamored of him, his fame, and the attention that she thinks nothing of his requests to bring in other women to their relationship. She will do anything to make him happy and hang onto to what she thinks is love. Our actor enjoys watching and filming her with whomever he can find. When he has trouble finding someone, he sends her out to bars and clubs to find someone to bring home. Our actor has enough films of his young co-star in bed with other women and men to put Paris Hilton to shame.

CDAN: 1/29/07

Monday, January 29, 2007

You cannot see me now, but I am giving Jeeeze a standing ovation. Jeeeze has worked so hard and so diligently over the past several weeks to create the finest message board on the internet. It has every blind item to be guessed and considered and will allow for everyone to discuss whatever they want. I REALLY appreciate Jeeeze doing this and hope everyone will give the message board a chance and also to say thanks to Jeeeze as well.

Some SAG blind items

Last night at the SAG awards, this B list television actress either had too much too drink or had some other problem which caused her to be found slumped against a bathroom door. Babbling incoherently she spent fifteen minutes on the floor and refused repeated offers for help. She managed to crawl a few feet and then got to her feet with a helping hand and then staggered back to the show. Undeterred by whatever her ailment was, she was later seen partying all night long. It is unknown whether she spent any additional time inspecting bathroom floors.

Last night at the SAG awards, this actress from a hit show, made multiple visits to the bathroom during just the first hour of the show. When she returned from her last visit, she muttered that it was all gone now and she was just going to have to suffer until the show was over. At an after party, she kept trying to corner an actor from a different hit show. When her advances were repeatedly declined, she tried one more trick. She lowered her dress to reveal a very large set of breasts and when he refused to look or touch, she said, "I knew you were gay. I just won $200."

CDAN: FFF 1/26/07

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hints next Friday to help you out with some of the tough blind items from this past week.

Four For Friday

This former A-list actress has been in two of my favorite movies. Because of this I would normally be sympathetic to her but she has gone just a bit too far. Having literally been on her own since her teenage years, this actress has battled through drug problems and high profile relationships to at least have a solid career. It is not the career that was expected of her, and if her current behavior continues, it might be the end of any career at all. She has always been able to play on her name and her work in her older films. That is all about to change. In her latest film, she attempted to seduce at least two of the married actors on the film and as many non-actors as well. She did it because she claimed she was bored and thinks it is fun to f*** with other people's lives. What she is doing is ensuring that her now sporadic work will be no work in the future.

This lower B list actress has been in a long term Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russell type relationship and is in another of my all-time favorite movies. Some say the relationship is a throwback to the summer of love. They have always done it all. Whether it be exploring their respective sexualities or experimenting with mood altering substances, they have always shared it together. It is because of this lifestyle that she did not work as much as she could have or was asked to. Also, despite what her boyfriend says, her success and his lack of it has finally started to cause a fracture. She is growing out of the hippie phase and wants something more substantial including marriage and children. On her latest film, she thinks she found it. The problem is she found it with an actor who is married to a gorgeous actress and they have a very young child. Everyone thought it would end when the filming did, but it did not. Our actress is not taking on any new projects so she will be available to her new man whenever he decides to leave his wife.

This long married, character actor that everyone knows and always plays the jerk has been acting like a jerk in real life as well. Maybe it was karma, and maybe he just found the wrong woman to swoon over. Having a mid-life crisis is one thing, but this actor has definitely gone overboard. He recently co-starred in a film with one of the most beautiful women on television. She is single and an absolute knockout. She also loves to flirt, which our actor took totally the wrong way. While filming he spent almost his entire salary for the film on gifts, jewelery and anything else he could to keep that flirtation alive. He was in love, and she played him like the fool. When filming ended he even told her he would leave his wife. She told him that if he did not leave her alone, SHE would tell his wife.

An easy one to end the day--

This singer's wife loves hosting parties and dinner events. Her husband abhors them and will do anything to get out of them. When he cannot think of an excuse and is stuck there, he refuses to make conversation unless he is forced to, and often just sits by himself in a corner. When the dinner is at a restaurant and he cannot find a corner, he just plugs in his i-pod and ignores everyone. What does he listen to? His own music.

CDAN: 1/25/07

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This A-list actor is fairly recently married and even has a child. Although he has had a serious drug problem in the past, most people thought it was just that, in the past. His previous drug use had caused him to be turned down for several roles which could have made him an even larger star. Because of the drugs, he was forced to take some roles that most actors in his position would turn down without a thought. Until his current marriage, his relationships were always on and off, depending on his drug use. Once everyone thought he was clean, they began hiring him again and again. Now however, back-to-back-to-back-to-back films without a break and a long absence from his wife allowed him to resume his old ways and habits. He still has a few films in the pipeline, but their dates keep getting pushed back to see whether or not he can kick his habit or whether he will be back to his old ways.

Speaking of addictions, this B-list hunk was moving steadily up the fame ladder, but his battle with meth and alcohol effectively stopped him in his tracks for almost a year. When he emerged from rehab, he thought things would pick up right where he left them, but this is not the case. Studios were already starting to forget him, so now he is forced to fight and audition for indie roles which he thought he had done away with for good. He did manage to get one indie role, but it looks like it is headed straight to video and our actor may be headed back to rehab.

This A-list actor recently had his movie delayed. It was allegedly so he could take some time off for exhaustion because he was working so hard. In actuality though, his herpes was flaring up and he kept getting cold sores. Makeup just made the problem worse, and it was going to be too expensive to digitally remove the sores from each frame of the film. Even worse, his co-star definitely did not want to kiss our actor and insisted something to be done. Time was the cure, but the co-star still did not want to kiss our actor. Seems odd for a couple playing husband and wife not to kiss, which is why parts of the film are being reshot.

CDAN: 1/24/07

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What relationship is on the rocks? This singer who had a notorious breakup has been with a new girl for many months now, but their long-distance relationship is starting to fade. Once thought to be headed for the altar, now this rebound relationship could be over. As they spend more time together, they are realizing they have two very different agendas and are in two very different places in their lives not counting their respective residences. She is trying to move her career to the next level while he is ready to settle down and have children. She will do anything for publicity and he is more comfortable out of the spotlight. Another sticking point is her choice of friends. He does not approve of many of them and this has caused additional friction. She enjoys partying and he prefers to stay home. Look for them both to be spotted soon being friendly with other people. Do not expect any public comments or publicist's statements.

This music producer/singer has a golden touch when making records for himself and others. He also seems to have been doing quite a bit of touching of one of the singer's he is currently producing. Jealous bandmates have been talking it up for sometime. However it does not appear that the talk has reached the mother of his children as of yet, and he will do anything to keep it from her.

This cusp A list actress is beginning to be known as someone who will gladly let any guy who is close to the A list have her for a night or two or even a week. Guys are starting to line up to share some of her affections. She is only too happy to oblige and is enjoying her new reputation. She wants the world to perceive her as the sex symbol hetero female because it allows her the freedom to explore the same team and not have it questioned too closely. What once would have been questioned as being more than friends, now is just a workout partner or someone she is having coffee with or even a shopping partner.

CDAN: 1/23/07

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sometimes you hear about something and you just do not even know where to begin. Nevermind, I guess we will start at the beginning. See, there is this singer/actress who has had a bit of a drug problem in the past. Perhaps she has kicked it, and perhaps not. While visiting the UK recently she met an actor who is A-list in the UK, but no one has heard of here although he is in one of the year's biggest hits. He was so enamored of his little doll that he followed her back to LA. She was flattered and loved the attention. He began telling her of his special needs in regards to sex. Think KK video and you will get the idea. Although she did not find it appealing, she was flattered that he wanted to do it with her and so she agreed. UNTIL she found out that while in LA and not seeing her, he was finding some women who accept money for those kinds of things and doing it with them. Serious bonus points for getting his name.

Courtney Love and Steve Coogan

Now, I understand some blogs do not have the sources or capabilities to actually come up with blind items that are true. But it seems to me, this blog (Not Perez) could do much better than trashing celebrities simply because they had a falling out with one of their employees. This blog has a habit of making up blind items about a celebrity which are in reality nasty things they want to say about an ex-employee. They throw out a question mark to make the celebrity balk at suing, and instead make sure all the remaining staff get a forced laugh and a taste of what will happen if they decide to leave.

What happens when you are at a nightclub and think you are the shit, but no one is paying any attention to you? What happens when you think you can get away with anything and not suffer any consequences? Well this Seinfeld reference decided to take matters into her own hands. An A-list model was dancing on a four foot high stage and drawing the attention of the entire nightclub not only with her beauty but in the way she was dancing. This did not sit well with our spoiled princess and so she pushed the model off the stage and down to the floor. It was only because she happened to land on someone that she avoided a possible career ending injury. Those who saw what happened began to boo at the princess, but she was so into herself that she did not even care. She did not really dance, she just kind of did red carpet pose after red carpet pose. She was loving herself even more than normal. The only problem in her little plan was that the model and the owner of the club are really close so the next thing you know, the princess was yanked from the stage and shown the door. The crowd went crazy and all waved buh bye.

Paris Hilton and the attacked was Serinda Swan

CDAN: 1/22/07

Monday, January 22, 2007

This cusp of the A list actor is tired of the rumors and innuendo that he may be gay. No matter what he does or which girl he is with, the rumors just do not stop. He has tried to link himself to some of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood but without luck. He complains to friends that the rumors are costing him dates with the ladies. However, his real friends know it is all a game. It is not just rumors, and the two or three serious male "friends" that have been part of the background and in and out of his life the past two years were way more than friends. While looking for cover from the one girl he thought he could trust, he shared his secret. Their rekindled romance lasted as long as it took for him to relate that he preferred men to women.

And here you thought Naomi Campbell was a bad boss. This B actress is the biggest control freak in LA. She is the boss of her relationship and everyone knows it because she tells them. She also tells her man what to do at all times. She decides what work he should take and what he should turn down. She hires his assistants for him and generally only hires men. She burns through her own assistants and staff at a blistering pace. Her poor husband is always trailing behind her. Not only because she wants him there, but also so he can try and clean up some of the damage she does and offer his apologies. Most of the time she does not see his efforts. However, recently, she overheard him apologizing to a waiter for her behavior, and she let loose on her man right in the middle of the restaurant She just screamed at him right in front of the crowd of people. Her control freak instincts have also led to diminished roles and lesser movies. She has been forced to hope for sequels to movies she has been in previously, just to get enough work.

CDAN: 1/19/07

Friday, January 19, 2007

No Four For Friday today, but three EASY ones instead to keep you interested. If you have been paying attention to the gossip world in the past few days, you might have got a whiff of some of these.

This actor used to be A-list in the mid 90's but is now a straight to video kind of guy. Why you ask? Well it seems he likes taking projects that are international, and especially in Eastern European countries. The reason for this is so he and his current wife can enjoy the affections of VERY young girls who can be bought for a night in these countries.

Swimming with dolphins is not the only thing this actress did recently. Seems to be that she likes X, and when she takes it, she finds a few suitable companions and enjoys the drug and other activities that occur in hotel rooms with other consenting adults.

A friend of someone mentioned earlier today has been acting like a diva despite the fact it has been years since she could even pretend to be such. Banned from her health club for wanting to work out alone and to bring in her dog, this pseudo diva has also been trying to convince friends she has a relationship with a well known singer despite the fact that no one believes a word of it.

Geri Halliwell

CDAN: 1/17/07

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A couple of easy ones to start

This singer is out of his mind. His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough for him or he thought he could do better. Somehow he thought his aging, one hit wonder self could get him someone better. What he got was a lesson in how the grass is not always greener on the other side. After bedding a series of 18 year old girls and acting like the wannabe rock star he thinks he is, his ex was seen in public with a collection of men befitting her beauty. Our singer broke and is begging for her to take him back. So far she just keeps laughing at him.

James Blunt

Seeing this actress and her complexion Monday night reminded me that she had to miss the world premiere of a movie and almost another because her face had turned into one big zit.

Cameron Diaz

Now, one to make you actually think

Yesterday I told you about the married actor getting the phone number of a lovely young thing after his wife thought she had stopped him cold. Well, getting numbers to someone who is not your significant other is easy. Getting the numbers while your significant other is in the room is much harder and doing what this NEXT actor did is the toughest of all.

A few weeks ago, this actor was at a party with his award winning actress wife of a few years. Also at the party was his former girlfriend and co-star now married but solo that night. The two have remained close. Throughout the night our actor and his ex flirted outrageously. Enough so, that the notoriously jealous wife really wanted to leave. Our actor sweet talked his wife like a poet and said there was nothing to worry about. He was just friends with his ex. Twenty minutes later another guest at the party opened a locked bathroom door that had not been completely shut and found our actor and his ex with certain parts exposed. The intruder apologized and left and proceeded to tell all at the party what they had seen. Most couples caught in the act would end it right there. However, our actor continued on until completion. After emerging from the bathroom tryst, our actor was a model husband and never left his wife's side. If she knows, she is not telling.