Friday, September 7, 2012

CDAN: 5/04/07

Friday, May 04, 2007
Four For Friday

1. So this celebutante made a Top 100 Sexy List. She was thrilled. She carried around the list for everyone to see. She told her agent that she wants more money for appearance fees now AND that she is entitled to more money than anyone on the list beneath her. When her agent said that was not going to happen, she screamed into her cell phone, "BUT I'M SEXIER THAN THEM." So you say, and now everyone at that Starbucks knows you think so also.

2. This aging former A list actor got his license suspended quite awhile ago and has about another year to go before he can drive legally again. He thinks he can beat the system and drive, but also knows he better not get caught. To try and appear less noticeable, our actor has an old beat up Hyundai Accent he drives around town while wearing a hat and sunglasses. **I don't think he's quite thought through the whole getting out of the car thing though.**

3 & 4. OK, this one is a little complicated.

--B list television actress on network show is married to a regular guy.
-- B list television actor on hit network (not the same as our actress) show married to a producer/visionary.
Our actor and actress shoot on the same lot. They met, and started having an affair. They also started hanging out with their respective spouses together. The regular guy and producer/visionary hit it off and started having an affair. Eventually all found out about each other. Fearing no one would understand what the hell was going on, they decided to keep it secret and stay married to their respective spouses. What they did do however is switch where they slept. Producer/visionary moved in with regular guy and actress moved in with actor. Got it?

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