Thursday, September 6, 2012

CDAN: 3/30/07

Friday, March 30, 2007
Four For Friday

Within the last month I gave you a clue which will help you solve some of the blind items. One person commented that they did the work, but I don't think they did it right.

Nicole Eggert is correct. We don't have that many friends in common so it's hard to find out the exact details. I sent her an e-mail a few weeks ago because I wanted to ask her a favor and she never responded back which is really unusual. Then I noticed her MySpace page went down and then it came back up but still no word on her. I really do hope everything is ok with her and her family. Nicole is an incredible person.

OK, on with the show.

1. This B list movie actor who used to always be in A list movies but now, not so much has often been rumored to be gay. Everyone just kind of assumes it. What you maybe didn't know is that this actor doesn't like relationships because of the potential for getting caught. He also is very germaphobic so he specializes in one type of relationship. Most, if not all of the time, the only men he finds interesting or an attraction to, are those who are virgins. He likes to be their first.

2. You (B List actress) really have him fooled with that we're just friends thing don't you? Everyone knew the two of you were getting it on several months ago and you were really worried that your man might break off your relationship when he heard the news. Most people would deny and deny and never see the person again. You on the other hand play by your own rules and did the exact opposite. Bring him out in public again and really convince the world he is just your "friend." You've got your man convinced but someday he is going to wake up next to you. After screaming when he sees your unmade up face he will realize he's been had.

3. So are you so upset at the world because your mom and dad are getting it on again? What did you expect?

4. Do you ever write your own jokes? For someone who has been accused of stealing jokes so much recently, you think that maybe someone would be watching you more closely. Just because a guy is dead doesn't mean you can steal his jokes.


One of the hardest blind items ever was recently solved by a reader. I really can't believe you did it. Yes, there were clues, but it was still really obscure. They didn't just e-mail me the answer, they let all of you know also. Hopefully you will find it, and hopefully you will find out what Molly is trying to say also.

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